BC-500 Pink Two Speed Corded A5-Model Clipper SKU : BC-500-PNK
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Price: $200.00
Corded 2 speed clipper designed for powerful professional pet grooming. Operates with detachable blades and is compatible with the Buttercut Stainless Steel and Buttercut Ceramic clipper blades. Metal hook for convenient hanging under grooming table or wall. Package includes clipper with corded power adapter, #10 Buttercut Clipper Blade, brush, and oil bottle.
Zero-Heat Clipper Body
2 Speed Rotary Motor: High Speed - 3200rpm, Low Speed - 2800rpm
Clipper Dimension: 176 x 45 x 51mm
Body Weight: 380 g
Operating Voltage: 100 - 240 V
1 Year Limited Warranty