Every Pet Deserves Celebrity Care

Every Pet Deserves Celebrity Care

Every Pet Deserves Celebrity Care

Every Pet Deserves Celebrity Care
Scissors View All
Avanti Cobalt
Premium quality finishing shears; Narrow but strong blades; Best Japanese Cobalt Alley Steel; Comfortable designer handles, fit like a glove; Beautiful hama-guri shaped blades; Non fail Japanese click thumb screw adjuster; Tension-balancing spring
Avanti Comfort Plus
Features Nylon Rides for extra smooth operation. Coupled with Japan Cobalt Alloy Steel and sure cut clam shell edges to present a high-level grooming tool line at an exceptional value
Avanti Stainless
Avanti is a beautifully balanced and smooth cutter with handles to fit like a glove. Avanti combines high tech Japanese cobalt steel and exquisite convex edges to cut to a silky smooth look. Avanti is durable and precise to deliver that extra edge.
Blue Breeze Speed Cutter
100% handmade from forges steel; Ultra-quality Japanese Special Stainless Steel; Sub-zone ice; Double hollow grind; Very smooth, durable non-slip cut; Japanese ball bearing thumb screw adjuster; Beautiful hand finished detail; BL30 and BL48 celebrate...
A modern twist to a Cobalt Sculpting & Finishing Shear with wide teeth to withstand the hard stress jobs.
100% handmade double hollow ground from hot-dropped forging using Swedish stainless steel; strong and durable; valued by groomers world-wide for 40 years.
Cheetah Thinners
Traditional German style thinners. Handmade quality and hand honed edges using high molybdenum steel or Japanese cobalt.
Cheetah Starlite
100% handmade; Hot drop forged – Japanese Special Stainless Steel; Double hollow grinds; Smooth, very durable nonslip cut; Narrow blade, light weight but strong; BL30 and BL48 forged Japanese special stainless steel (exceptionally durable); BL14, B...
Crab Level 1
Yellow Handle; Cutting Shears made from 440C Stainless Steel; All thinners are japanese coblat for all round use.
Crab Level 2
Very strong sure cut and exceptionally durable. Japanese high quality stainless and adjuster screw
Japanese style handles; Japanese stainless steel and special heat treatment; Unique blade shape with thin hand honed edge; Remarkably fine finish that rivals most expansive finishing scissors with amazing durability
Entree Blue Titan
Attractive rainbow color ionized finished; Even handles; Internal click adjuster with ball-bearing and tension balancing spring
Comfortable Japanese offset style; Reduces carpal tunnel tension; Thumb screw dial adjuster; Clam shell edge; Smooth, sure cut; Tension balance spring; Tension balancing spring; 16 models – Right and Lefties
Entree Gold
Features gold handles and thumb adjuster nice sure-cut and surprising durability for a low price
World famous for performance, reliability, and durability; 40 years successful work for beginners and professional; Cuts long strong; Stainless with ball-bearing pivot with tension balancing spring; 28+ models right and lefties
Gator Ball Tip
Features safety tips for safe, strong cutting and close trimming capability while avoiding skin injury
Gator Bent Shank Ball Tip
Allows to nestle the whole scissor blade parallel and close to the dog; Features safety tips for safe, strong cutting and close trimming capability while avoiding skin injury
Gator 008
Created in 2008 as light weight; All around grooming shear; Loved by all who use it; 7 models
Gator 88
Very strong and durable; 100% hand made from forged steel; Double hollow-grind; Double screw eliminates tensioning problems
Gator Trim N' Cut
Very popular light and easy to use. Black anodized finish and internal click adjuster
Katana Cobalt
Modern version of our original Katana Stainless line which dominated the market between 1985-2000 for quality Production Groomers as well as in the Competition Ring; Hollow grind; Best Japanese Cobalt Alloy Steel; Very strong and durable; BL30 and BL...
Kiss Silver
Low-cost entry level shear. Feature choice three handles and with color. The performance and durability will surprise you.
Kiss Gold
440 C stainless, smooth, and strong. The performance and durability will surprise you!
Super Gator
Gator’s big brother on steroids; Comfortable handles with bent ring; Widely copied, never duplicated; Super quality stainless steel; Special heat treatment and sub-zero ice; Exceptionally superb special strong sharp durable edge design for sure cut...
Ultra-light, high level Japan Cobalt with nylon rides for extra smooth feel. Hand honed clam-shell edges
World class quality materials and workmanship as well as very reasonable price make Yoshi a remarkable value. Yoshi feature narrow light blades utilizing a special shape technology
A modern twist to a Stainless Steel Sculpting & Finishing Shear with wide teeth to withstand the hard stress jobs.
Gold Pearl
Finest Japanese Stainless Steel; Thin precision cut; Light weight; Steep curve to the blade great for Asian Fusion and precision work; Convex Edge; 3 Curved blander and chunkers; Tension balancing spring